
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 06

Christmas, isn't christmas, when it... (er, i forgot the lyrics)

Hmm. Whatever.

I still kinda dislike Christmas to a certain extent, not the fact that it's a remember-Jesus's-birth day, but more of the 'it's-a-memorial-day'. Why memorial? Blame it on the nostalgic me.

Ah, nostalgy. I'd rather regard it as stupidness. Stupid memories come up once again, and new hurts appear.

Service was quite ok, we sang Christmas songs and stuff. Pastor Mark shared about the meanings of Christmas. But Christmas after that got a little spoiled, not because of the old, but the new. THE NEW. (oh shut up brain)

Oh well. I loved the family part, we went shoane hotel to have dinner. Dad spent around 177 bucks for the 4 of us. (I love my dad) The hotel was cottage-like, small and personal. Very comfy, my dad made a really loud comment of bringing my future boyfriend to the place. It was superly embarrassing, especially when the waiters were laughing after they heard what he said.
Imagine the '-_-' look on my face.

We headed off to ang mo kio to visit my dad's friend, but the car broke down at the entrance of the carpark where cars were supposed to turn in and out. And it so happened that we were facing this oldie concert organised by some buddhist ritual. My sister got all spiritual and went like: "We are covered by the darkness! Satan knows that we are from the light, so he caused our car to break down!!" I mean it was probably true, but it was the moments that she said those that made it really hilarious.

My mom had to call AA (some car insurance company) to send people to help, they only got there around half an hour to 45 mins after we got stuck, and they didn't even bring the tow-truck. The guy kept insisting that it was the car battery which was causing the problem when even we, not educated for any car stuff, knew that it had nothing to do with the car batt. And yes, we wasted another 45 mins waiting for the tow truck to come.

During that time, i have to admit that we bonded quite alot. For example, my sister and i, screaming (not singing) christmas carols together (so that our voices could be louder than the oldie concert). Did i mention that we made stupid imitation dances of the people performing in the concert?

Since our car was blocking the way of others, we decided to push the car a little away from the turning. So yes, Christmas had become an official 'pushing the car' day.

Here are some treats:

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Pushing the car with heels

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My sister giving a sparstic face while pushing the car.

We got home on a taxi and spent like another 12 bucks for the fare.

I thank God for my family, for they have made my Christmas a better one.


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