
Friday, November 16, 2007

O Lord, i'm so sorry. I have not been putting enough time into the relationship with you. How could i for that period of time, decieve myself and say that everything's alright, when in actual fact it isnt? O Lord, thank you for opening my eyes, to let me see of your goodness and my need to depend on you. Lord Father, you are everything.

People think that i 've given up on certain stuff, and they speculate, without proper information. I just don't know what to do. It's as though i have nothing left. Nothing. I feel like i have not been doing enough for God, or even for the people.

I know i'm not approachable, and i do say that it's unfair just because i look arrogant, or have this certain what some may call 'scary' face. But i believe that it's still my fault for not acting on what i should have done, and still living in my own comfort zone just because i was afraid of the past rejections. O Lord, what am i to do? Help me!!

I've been living in the shadows of people, thinking that i'm well-liked, when actual fact, i 'm not. This is not some 'emo' session, but i'm just admitting what i've been seeing. It's inevitable that people are attracted to those who are caring, loving, warm, blah blah blah, and i know i'm not one of those who get attracted to. I thought i was, but now i know.

Maybe all i need is just a touch of Jesus again, to refresh me, to rejuvenate me, to renew me. Yes, that's all i need. O Lord, i need your guidance, guide and direct me to where i should go in life. Teach me how to be good, and good in all my ways. Lord, no more judging, no more gossipping, instead Lord, fill me with your love. Even though i have been asking so much to be able to love, but Lord, help me to take action, teach me how to do so.

Lord, i know you have something in store for me, so tell me O Lord, tell me when you think i'm ready. Lord, i don't want to waste my time out there, doing stupid meaningless things. Lord, i want more, i want to do more for you. Not for name's sake, but for the love of you O Lord. Lord, i don't want to be the Christian who has fun, but the the Christian who has fun and works at the same time for you, and also spend loads of quality time with you O Lord.

I don't care anymore whether i get recognition or anything from the world, help me to focus and fix my eyes upon you. Help me to be satisfied with your pleasure, help me to understand that all the praises and acceptance i need is just from you.

Lord, these are my cries to you.

I thank you Lord for the good things that you have in place for me. I praise you for the wonderful things that you are going to do for me. YOU ROCK JESUS!! AND I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!

In Jesus' name i pray



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