
Friday, May 25, 2007

The break is lose,
the acceleration increases
the driver panicks.

Ah, horrid midyears. Horrid requirements for H3. Horrid language use. Horrid tutorials.
It just never ends.

But that doesn't mean that i'm giving up that easily.


Had a strange and kind of disturbing dream just now.
Dreamt that i was suppose to meet some animals, like sheep, porcupines.

The grasspatch where the porcupine was had many stings and needles scattered on the ground, and it was hard to get across. A vision popped out, and i saw my grandmother using huge needles sewing black string onto her leg, for no good reason. She showed no emotion, and yet, like as if a robot, continued sewing. Then another vision came, and i saw my mom suddenly fainting at the dinner table, with her eyes open, but pupil rolled up.

Went back home to eat, and sister suddenly fainted in the exact way i saw my mom did in the vision, and she laid there lifeless. Her body slowly grew numb and fell onto the chair, with arms sticking out. Then she flicked open her eyelids and said 'Just joking'. I felt relieved, and yet disturbed, so i ran to my mom and hugged her. I thought, if it wasn't my sister who fainted, my vision wouldn't have come true yet. I turned my head and looked at my mom. All i saw was her lifeless face.


Woke up after that. What was that. Got freaked out, went out of the room, and found that no one was at home. Bleh. I must pray.

Ok whatever, it really freaks me out, so don't think i'm some childish brat creating lousy stories.



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