
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My blog is officially dead again, thus it is the job of erm: the DAWNIE WAWNIE, to save it.

When you can't have it,
Imagination, however,
ain't any reality.

God has seriously been so real in my life, every step i take, every decision i make, it's all in His hands. And all i have to do is just seek His face and His kingdom.

Chinese class used to be a terror with the usual 3 boys. One's sick, so yes we made peace with the other two. I found out through this that people found me scary, eek. That ain't no compliment! It's quite sad though, knowing that you have the 'i-will-bite-your-head-off' face. Sigh. The guys were afraid that i would seriously draw on their backs during lecture, haha. Hmm, i would have, if i blew up that is. But for now, why would a little nice dawnie do anything like that? Right?

Hmm. Oh wells, i've been made known as scary now. How weird.
Results are coming out like really soon, and 3 quarter of me is getting all hyped up and excited about it. I think i 'll miss my CG alot after we split.

And yes, i have made many friends, whoopee, and made new acquaintances, and found new disgusting 'despo's running around in the school canteen. Sickening, and definitely gross. GET AWAY!!!!

This should be where i say goodbye.
So.... Goodbye!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Let's see, my blog: Superly outdated.

Okay, here's the news: I'm in Volleyball! Now the question: huh?
Yes, i did prefer air rifle, but i realised that while in volleyball, i get good sight of cute guys! (Muahaa.) Ya right. Anyways, volleyball is fun, though both Rach's and my arms hurt like crazy. We'll soon be beach babes! Woot!

Pardon me. Hee.

Here are photos to explain my week, hmm, weeks:

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We had nothing better to do, seriously.

Lantern Making:
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Watch Fabian Bernard Smith, i mean Faye make roses.
Unglam moments of lives. Haha!

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I think i was working hard. (i said: i think.)

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Rach was showing her sexyback. (Faye's fav song)

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Slacking away.

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Working a lot! (er, i mean, as much as i could... er..)

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OG outing
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The guys

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The girls

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And Megan.

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The thingamagic in tampines.

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And it spins.

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The Eye, and the Eyeless.

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Cleo (OGL) and Rach.

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We caught this.

We changed uniforms:

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And the uniform says: Zhou En'en Dawn.

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Fabian Bernard Smith

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Crystal, Me, Faye

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Shez eating really big mouthfuls of pancake. Look at Desmond in the background.

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Andrew and Ah Chong, i mean, Anastasia and Britney have something going on. Eek.

That's all for now. And yes, we have a late day on wed, 8.30 am. We had breakfast on that wednesday and were late. Only 7 people from our class turned up for assembly, cool eh? Teacher got quite worried though.

Going to wear my sister's uniform tommorrow, and i hope it rains, so we don't have to run.

Okay, study time. Au Revoir. (Trying out a new way of saying bye, doesn't that make it more interesting?)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Apologies for the outdated posts.
Here's the excuse: Blogger is weird, sometimes.

Anyway, i love MJC. I Love Triton 4, and i love S306!!

We've just got our permanent timetables, and yes, we now have both mass lectures, and small little tutorials. I love the tutorials, especially eating raisin biscuits when the teacher turns around. (Hmm, i think you didn't have to know that)

Okay, i've got to admit, i saw some cute guys around. J2s, J1s. Cute, but not necessarily hot. But oh well, they are just for show (haha, if you don't understand, it's ok. Reason being that i myself do not understand what i've just said). One day if i ever get to know them, i'll... hmm.. i'll... dance around all day long! Nah, just kidding.

Here are some pics:
(Like what the bio lecturer and tutor says: pictures speak a thousand words)

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A boring old class, into a:

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Happy happy Class. (Pardon me for my limited vocabulary)

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During lectures.

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During recess.
Note: Megan (the girl wearing specs) often pretends to be studious. Listen to the MRT story (an inside, girl joke) to find out the truth. WAHA.

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During our free time, watching movie in library.
Faye and Gemma were supposed to have their pictures on Rach's camera, but i wonder where they went.

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"Studious/Nerdy" Megan (hee), and ME.

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Our Assistant CT Rep, Rach, and ME.

Okay, that's all for now. Seriously. We really need to improve in our "must-take-more-photos" skill. And the guys have the least pictures take because they spend most of the time running around, or mugging (eek), or talking, or stoning. HAHA. The guys in S306 are funny, i love them all lah! The girls are just gorgeous, the most united class i've seen. I'm happy!

Got to fly, there's chinese tutorials to complete, just fyi, JC chinese is .... crazy.

Be prepared for more, tata!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New School

I've realised that i haven't made much posts about MJ.

Well here goes:

MJ, is the bomb! Everything in it, is, well, fun! Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating a little. But seriously.. (ack, my skills of arguing my point of view have deteriorated)

Love my OG, though none of the cuter guys are from it. HAHA. Sorry, but nonetheless, they are all very fun-loving people. I can't remember how many people there are in my OG, but i kinda heard that it's one of the smaller ones. Oh wells.

Combi: Chem, Bio, Math, H1 Lit. (please equate this to fun. :D)

Mass lectures are, kind of weird, blaming the fact that it feels like the entire telok kurau school is in the lecture hall. And yes, the JC1 cohort contains 700 freshies. Larger than TK.

Cornerstone people are in MJ too, so SCHOOL CELL, here we come!

There are so many things to say!

I met 8 of my primary school friends, 1 tuition friend and 1 cell member. Thank God!

God has seriously been so real and gracious to me during this MJ journey, He has taken care of every single bit, and indeed He has His ways of making me want to stay in it. I LOVE YOU JESUS!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

i do not go by underhand means to win.

New Year 2007 Resolutions:

1) Consecration

To keep myself fully committed to God, nothing will distract me, no boys, no friends, no flesh. Heard that? (No matter how much you try to piss me off, you won't)

2) Not being a cry-er

I tell myself i cry too much. Not because Char says that i will cry when God visits me in my bedroom.

3) Joy

To be joyful at all extent. (I'm still working on that..)


I feel free. And to that person:

i know the motives,
i know the insides,

so don't go hurt others.


God has His ways,
when it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
When it's not meant to be,
No matter how hard one tries, he/she will never make it.
it's not meant to be.


I expected those actions,
a mind like that is too easy to depict.


All the time,
you forget that it's too far.

Being too far leads you off the cliff,
Hang on,
there was a promise to someone important.
I guess you forgot who.

Boo hoo to you then.
I'll snicker if i could.


God i need more patience.


Oh yes, and one more:
To place hopes in certain people, knowing that you can't expect much, is equivalent to dumping your hopes in the trash. ~ Quote founded by the experiences of the Wawnie.

You can only be there for them. Nothing else. They may not do the same. But that's what the world is like. ~ Another quote founded by the experiences of the Wawnie.



Thank You ladies and gentlemen for listening to the blabbermouth Wawnie.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I tried tearing pages of old memories out of my dairy,
but the pages refused to come off.
Why is that so?

Firstly, i have to thank Ben Choo for cyclying me back home for 2 consecutive nights.
And i have to thank Gaius for listening to my frustrations.
And i really want to thank Michelle. G and Sarah. L for being there to listen to my troubles and hiccups (results of crying).
And i want to thank Char for trying to advise me on stuff.
And i want to thank Shenna for being so concern for me.

Reality of life:
Things/people change. So do circumstances and consequences. Regrets exist. Trust is just a mere catch phrase. People sometimes take things for granted, and forget easily. Things get destroyed most of the time. Happiness is temporary, joy ain't.

New Year 2007! I'm 17 this year. It's like being in the middle of nowhere. 16=young. 18=old.
Ah!! I'm neither old or young, i'm... i'm ... er..

Anyways, we stayed over in sennette (is this how u spell it?) on the 31st dec - 1st Jan. Watched click, lady in the water and fell asleep during the lake house. (Bear in mind that i do dislike romance flicks) Officially went to sleep at 6.30 am.


Tomorrow, an entire new life. I know i miss the old times yada yada.. But i know that God has His ways. If its meant to be, He will bring things back. But if it's not, then there it goes.

Shan't blog anymore.
The cars back (my dad got it into an accident at the same spot), and we can have transport to school (not including the fact that we still have to wake up at 5.30am)!

New year ain't that much of a big thing when things go haywire.