
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

[1 Cor 13:11-12]
"When i was a child, i talked like a child, i thought like a child, i reasoned like a child. When i became a man, i put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now i know i part; then i shall know fully, even as i am fully known."

When i was in the toilet (place where i do my daily reflections, eccentric i know), God impressed on my heart this verse. And then i realised that it is as though this part of the bible came real in my life. I have indeed seen things in a slightly more mature way, and have decided to put my childish ways behind me. God is good, He never fails to teach me in all sorts of ways. I have finally overcome what i have been tied down by for many years. :D

Praise God for His faithfulness.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

O Lord i need you in my life. I have been easily pissed recently over simple matters. I pray you help me control my temper, or even at least my pissed thoughts.

Lord i pray that you'll speak to me each and everyday, whether i am tired or not. I know sometimes it seems that i'm too tired to even spend time with you. But Lord, i do, and you know it. And i know that it's also my fault for not trying to spend time with you earlier, so i pray that you'll forgive me O Lord for my unenthusiasm.

But Lord, i'm trying my best, and i will always continue to fight my way to perfection so that i may please you. Please help me.

In Jesus Name I pray,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sometimes, it's just so hard to be liked. Don't you agree?

It's hard to please everyone. But why is it that many others can?

There's something wrong right?

It's not just from the outside, but also the ones from within. And it was another place that i called home.
Maybe i'm just thinking too much. Perhaps just having slight mood swings.

It's hard to be strong. It's hard to put on a tough front.
Or is it just the mere fact of being unappreciative?

Friday, April 04, 2008

We had cell on wednesday and we celebrated the wonderful Rachel's birthday, so here are some photos. Haha.

I hate it when we as christians bring down the name of God through our double-standard lives.

I feel that it's not fair to tell others that you are a follower of Christ and yet act otherwise.]

And i feel that sometimes i to admit that i'm guilty of it, and now that i do realise my disgusting mistakes.
I just don't understand how people can just not take God seriously, as though He doesn't exist. He's too real to be unreal, He's too good to be bad.

I hate it when out of the same spring comes out salt water and pretense clear water.

But who am i to judge?

O Lord, i pray that you help me to calm down, and to see that plank in my own eye before seeing that spec in another's eye.
I pray that you will convict whoever is out there who is using your name in vain, and who is being a hypocrite.
I pray that you will take away that anger within me when i see those who act as hypocrites and allow me to see the weaknesses within myself as well, and i pray that you will use me in anyway for the furtherance of your kingdom and for the glory of your name.

Lord you are very powerful, and i know that you are capable enough to restore your own name. Lord, so use me, and teach me how to trust and have faith in you. Help me to recognise your power and your almightiness, to understand that all things are possible with you.

Lord teach me how to love the unlovables, even though i may get greatly annoyed with many easily, i pray that you help me to change my heart and give me more compassion so as to bring glory to your name. Lord, i have been feeling easily pissed nowadays and i know its bad, and that makes me distant myself from the people i get pissed with. I pray that you help me, change my mindset and my heart, that i will still love them, and show them the love as how Jesus would have done when He was still on Earth.

Thank you Lord Jesus, indeed you deserve all the highest praise.
You are indeed almighty and powerful, you are my King, and My Lord.

Thank you for your grace and mercy, and to have died on the cross 2000 years ago so that my sins can be washed away, allowing me to have that close relationship with God the Father.

Thank you Lord, for everything that you have done. You have made me whole, and you forever will. I LOVE YOU JESUS.

In Jesus' name i pray